Monday, March 30, 2009

bicara satu ratus sembilan puluh empat

March Madness!
march is coming to an end..
i know. i know.
i havent ben updating my blog for quite some time!
so here's the much needed updates..
21st March was the MWL Scrap Idol Crop..
it was my first crop @ MWL!
i was really excited.. really i was!
we were all geared up as rockstars!
let the pictures do the talking for now..

me & Feli with our guitars.
i made those guitars while Feli made the accesories :)

us with one of the hangover sisters :)

a group shot before we start to crop n have fun!

this was what i scrap during the crop!
cuteness right! :p
and i'm submitting this for the march groovie challenge :)
this is my last LO for march.
did this within 2 hours.. and i did this secretly!
its meant to be a surprise for my parents.
yup a 25th wedding anniversary gift from me :)

so those were the things that i did in march.
did u guys took part in the Earth Hour thingy?
we wanted to but we cant..
'cause we had kenduri (religious feast) on that night!
we cant possibly switch off the lights n start reciting Doas right? :)
(nanti orang ingat ajaran sesat pulak! )

i had a great march i hope u had a great one too!

1 comment:

MOLY said...

kiut la korang