Monday, February 9, 2009

bicara satu ratus lapan puluh empat

so how's things u might ask..
everything is back to normal.
and SABAR is the word.

im just done looking at some photogs of friends in facebook.
boy! they sure have such a happening life!
life that u never thought or imagined they would have.
i dun wish to say this here..
but my reaction when i saw those photogs was..
"mak oi! happening giler babs la!"
its not that im not leading a happening n havoc life..
i am.
but of course in my own way! :)
err.. loads n loads of green tea..
dancing in the comfort of my room.
singing my lungs out in the toilet.
its amazing how people change.
and i find it a little (________) when people u havent met for so long says this "u havent change one bit!"
err.. when u change doesnt mean i have too right :)
im still as geeky/nerdy/so not pretty.
and i still look like the girl that i am back in sec sch :)
i mean when u look at ur friend u'll go..
"oh my god. look at those hair.. the make up"

i would rather change mentally than physically.
and a friend did mention that perhaps we mature too fast.
but we are definitely proud of it!
right, friend?

1 comment:

Edleen said...

hehe...happening days are good. but it doesn't mean not doing those things our lives end with a full stop ;) there are better happening things to do and be very happy with it :)

hope you're well. missing you over @ Groovie Cafe :D

Take care and ada scrap tak?